
Down in the Mulley Grubs...

* This post was completely inspired by EOS Mom

So yes I have been down in the mulley grubs here lately and as many other people do I started questioning my existence and reasoning's behind many things in my life. I started knit-picking at all of my insecurities and faults, which really doesn't help when you are already low. It is just like the ceiling fan from way down here it doesn't look that dirty but once you getting all up in it's business you can find a lot to clean!!

While going through all the new posts today I came across one that woke me up! The post is just 5 simple questions about yourself, nothing too life changing but it was the remembrance of a song that clicked with me.

Of course most people have heard this song and probably know that it was taken from The Bible, Ecclesiastes 3. After I heard the song, it reminded me of a Bible study that I had attended on the Book of Ecclesiastes. One of the things I remember most about the class was chapter 3 not only because of the song but because for me it had the best life lesson. You have no idea what God's time schedule is so the best thing to do is just rejoice, do good in your life, eat, drink, and enjoy all the good that comes from your labor because it is a gift from God! (3:24-26)


Getting to know YOU

It's time for a little Thursday Five action..
To play..Just post 5 things that have made you..
Totally Stoked

Then link back up with MannLand5

My 5

  1. I am sooo thankful for an air conditioner!! We have been in an excessive heat warning for over a week now. Thank you, thank you Lennox for making my life savior or maybe sweat saver!!
  2. I am totally stoked about planning our summer vacation!! We have narrowed down the options, no definite plans yet but I cant wait to have 12 whole days with my husband and girls!! Yeah!!
  3. I am grateful for all the hard work that my husband has done this week on the yard!! It totally needed it.
  4. Nothing delights me more than when my two little girls (6 & 2) play happily together!!
  5. I am happy to be one day closer to find out who I really am!!